Reports and News of the IDEARH related Activities
Dr.Khun Mav : Report of the Model Healthy Village Program in Kampot, Cambodia
The 11th ICAMRH
(The 11th International Conferrence of Agricultural Medicine and Rural
Health in Aurangabad, India)
Dr.Kijo Deura (Saku Central Hospital,Japan): International Survey on Health
(Dr.Deura's Abstract)
Dr.Lillian M. Laruan (RHU Kapangan,Philippines): Five year PMHS Project.pdf
Dr.Laruan's Abstract)
Dr.Marcos G.Ayangwa (RHU Paracelis, Philippinea): SHIP-Peso for Health.pdf
(Dr.Marcos's Abstract)
Ms.Amelita Bayowan(CDA-CAR,Philippines): Coops' Botika,Pharmacy.pdf
(Ms.Bayowan's Abstract)
The 10th ICAMRH
(The 10th International Conferrece of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health in Kinugawa, Japan)
Dr.Kijo Deura (Saku Central Hospital, Japan) : International Training and
Follow up.pdf
Ms.Amelita Bayowan (CDA-CAR, Philippines) : Health Promotion by Cooperatives
in Philippines